INSECTERRA: Forum Insectes & Entomologie - La terre des insectes

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2 participants

Localisation : Bonn
Date d'inscription : 02/10/2012

Greece Empty
MessageSujet: Greece   Greece EmptyVen 17 Mar 2023 - 13:11

I wanted to travel to Greece at the end of May to mid-June 2023.
So, I ask where is a good collection area from Greece of ​​Cetoniidae, Cerambycidae and Buprestidae?
e.g. Peloponnese or Greek islands

I would be happy if you could recommend me. Thanks.
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Grand Psychopapatte

Age : 71
Localisation : Vendée 85
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2010

Greece Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Greece   Greece EmptyDim 19 Mar 2023 - 10:58

Hello ,
you can go in the south of Thessalia between Mont Olympe and Mont Ossa .You will find a lot of insects of all these family in this country ;it is one of the best spots to find insects in Greece and you can use traps without problems .
Have a nice travel !!

scarabaeidae aime ce message

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INSECTERRA: Forum Insectes & Entomologie - La terre des insectes :: IDENTIFICATIONS et PHOTOGRAPHIES :: COLÉOPTÈRES (scarabées, coccinelles, capricornes, hannetons, goliaths, lucioles, carabes, bousiers, charançons, ...)-
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